Mahalo to all!
Notice: Due to COVID-19 restrictions the garden is closed and in-person instruction at our site is suspended till further notice.
The LET'S GROW GOOD Initiative provides free organically grown seedlings and trees, free produce and home-based education on regenerative cultivation.
Pride in Our Westside Culture
On Kaua‘i our efforts are by, for and about our local westside residents.
We take pride in our history of tight-knit, multigenerational families across ethnicities and experiences. Our collective traditions of food, agriculture and traditional farming practices are rich and diverse, and that knowledge is part of what we share through our Growing Good Initiative.
Here in our west Kaua'i towns (from Kekaha and Waimea all the way to Koloa) many families have strong ties to the sugar plantation, as well as to taro and rice growing cultures, truck farmers, and fishers.
Decades later, westside residents now work in local businesses, government offices, at Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital (KVMH), as teachers and administrators, at the nearby Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF), in the visitor industry, or as workers for the companies on westside ag lands. We are Filipino, Japanese, Hawaiian, Chinese, Portuguese, Ni'ihauan, Puerto-Rican and European-descended, and from so many other parts of the world. And now a new generation born and raised on the westside is returning with skills and local historical ties to help Kekaha and its families lead and shape its future.
To celebrate this generational and ethnic diversity, we focus on the plants and foods of those cultures. In this way, participants learn about the many ethnic communities have impacted west Kaua'i.
Captions: Past special events presented by The GROWING GOOD Initiative.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions and safety precautions the garden site is closed till further notice.